The game is currently under development, but a live view of the rules below!
Game Overview
Take over the city of MadTown! Recruit Characters and build structures and destroy your opponents! Have the most Victory Points at the end of round 10 and WIN THE GAME!
Each player will bring a Planet, (?) worth of Army and Structure points and a Leader Character
Types of cards
Army – Armies protect your Structures and destroy opponents! Armies come in two forms. Space and Ground.
Characters –
Structures – Structures are built on Planets to give you many different abilities including earning you Victory Points!
Planets – Are places that you can build Structures on and give you special resources.
Each player puts their starting Leader Character and Home Structure on their starting Planet. Place your remaining Army and Structures cards with their tokens in front of you to the side. <diagram>
Winning the game
Have the most victory points after 10 turns and WIN THE GAME!
Controlling Locations
The player with Ground Army on a Planet, controls that Planet.
Starting with the first player (by roll off or whatever all players agree too) and going around clockwise, each player will do the same action before moving to the next in the following order. Battle, Move, Build, New first player.
At the Start of the game round if players share Space or Ground Armies on the same Planet, a battle is triggered! Players may agree not to have a battle. Space Armies battle Space Armies and Ground Armies battle Ground Armies. Starting with the Ground Armies do the following steps. <diagram>
Collect Attack Dice – Each player collects dice equal to all of their Armies attack and then rolls. All 5 and 6s are hits!
Remove Dice – Players reroll the opponents successful attack dices (5 and 6s) up to their defense number. All 6s are removed.
Damage – all left over attack dice turns into damage. Each player assigns damage to their opponent’s Armies. Remove all Armies back onto their Army card. Characters are removed from game if no Armies are present on the same Planet.
Players may move their Space Armies with their Ground Armies from one Planet to another. Ground Armies may not move Planet to Planet without Space Armies.
Starting with the first player, Players can build one type of Army and Structure. The number of Army or Structure that you can build is indicated on their card along with what special resources from a Planet you control that are required. <diagram>
Armies - are placed on their Home Structure.
Structures - are placed on Planets you control. Planets will indicate how many and what kind of Structures can be built on that Planet.
New first player
The person clockwise to the current first player is now the first player.